Educational Technology in New Jersey

Appendix A
Vision and Benchmarks by 2002

The New Jersey Department of Education and New Jersey's school districts are moving forward vigorously to infuse educational technology in curriculum and the management of information for student achievement of the Core Curriculum Content Standards. The purpose is to accelerate the delivery of voice, video, and data so that all districts will have the opportunity to share curricular offerings, ongoing projects and programs, and professional development opportunities. This delivery will expand the scope, quality, richness, and diversity of curricula in all school districts and contribute to the redefining of teaching and learning in our state.

VISION: All students, no matter which district they attend, will be able to achieve the Core Curriculum Content Standards because they will have unlimited access to people, to the vast array of curriculum and instruction offered in the state, and in particular to information and ideas, no matter where they exist.

Following are the related benchmarks to achieve that vision by 2002. These are intended to guide district and school technology plans. Keep in mind that this is a work-in-progress and will evolve.

Benchmarks for New Jersey Schools:

1. Educational technology will be fully infused into the schools' curriculum and instruction, thus significantly enhancing students' ability to achieve the Core Curriculum Content Standards. For example, computers will be integrated into all classrooms for instructional purposes. rather than maintained solely in a computer laboratory environment.

2. All counties will continue to implement and update plans for the coordination, development, application and implementation of technology through countywide collaboration and commitment using existing and new educational, business, and community resources.

3. All local school districts will continue to implement and update biennially their local technology plans to address core elements of successful school technology activities. including facilities planning, maintenance and upgrading equipment. implementation strategies. staff development, spending and evaluation plans.

4. All teachers will have the skills and knowledge needed to use educational technology as an effective tool to support achievement of the Core Curriculum Content Standards. The state's system of Educational Technology Training Centers will continue to offer the highest quality professional development opportunities for educators in cooperation with additional local preservice and inservice training.

5. All classrooms will have fast and reliable Internet access, thus enabling educators and students to access information, places, and people throughout the world to enhance achievement of the Core Curriculum Content Standards.

6. All school districts will have high quality, highly informative, user-friendly websites, thus enabling educators and students to share key information about their district's activities in a timely manner and showcase their achievements.

7. All districts, schools and classrooms will be connected to high-speed voice, video and data networks, thus enabling effective and efficient delivery of resources to educators and students through a statewide, integrated information delivery system.

8. All school buildings will have the equipment and infrastructure necessary to provide distance learning opportunities for all students, thus enabling students to take courses offered in other schools or universities. to collaborate on projects with remote peers or mentors, and to access a wide array of electronic services for achievement of the Core Curriculum Content Standards.

9. The multiple distance learning networks throughout the state will be connected and will, therefore, be able to communicate with each other freely, thus enabling students and teachers to access courses and share projects no matter where they are located.

10. The ratio of multi-media computers to students will be 1 to 5, thus enabling students to access equipment when they need it, where they need it.

11. All teachers will have e-mail, thus enabling them to freely communicate with their colleagues throughout the world, and with parents and students in their communities to enhance achievement of the Core Curriculum Content Standards.

12. All educators and students will have access to effective and engaging software, CD ROMs, and online resources as an integral part of every school curriculum, thus enabling them to access a vast array of materials in support of achievement of the Core Curriculum Content Standards.

13. All school districts will have the equipment necessary to access satellite transmissions, thus enabling them to capture special events that are uniquely broadcast via satellite.

14. All school construction projects (new and retrofitting) will include a backbone distribution system, communications outlets in each room, and wiring closets in each school thus enabling schools to establish infrastructure for a technology-rich environment.

l5. Schools will have educational technology coordinators in the following ratios: one for each high school, one for each middle school and one for each three elementary schools. This will enable educators to have onsite experts to facilitate implementation of technology equipment and programs.

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